domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

How to pay attention in class?

You want to pay attention in class to get good grades? If you get good grades, probably because you're not attentive enough. Sometimes it can be difficult, but here are some easy ways to help you focus steps.After reading this article you will be among the best in the class!

1. See which one cause you problems. Maybe someone sitting next to you leaves you not concentrate? If someone bothers you, passing notes or talking to you and not let you focus this should fix it. Probably best to ignore them subtly, and try to concentrate. Do not follow the stream and you start to talk about you too. When class politely explain your reasons and ask them to let you work. Whatever the problem and fix it.

2. Try not to daydream. If you do not pay enough attention in class, is it because you have something specific in mind? Try to keep your mind in class. Taking notes will help, because you have to listen to what the teacher says. Be more involved in the lesson will also help you: listen, question, etc.. If you feel your mind wandering slightly, be sure to stay focused.

3, Sleep well for college. If you're not sleeping well, you should change your sleep schedule. Find out how much sleep you need and make sure you get them. If you have trouble falling asleep, try to exercise during the day, not to eat two hours before going to bed, a hot shower and reading. Go to bed earlier has many benefits for your health, and you make sure you wake up rested and awake for class. A good night's sleep will help a lot to pay attention and do well in school.

4.  Do not fall asleep in class! If you do, you can lose part of the lesson and get you in trouble, so avoid at all costs. Falling asleep in class will mean having to make up the work later, and maybe you're tired for the rest of the day after that. If you notice that you're falling asleep, stay busy. Do something to help you stay awake, either fiddling with a pencil, pinch, organize your notes, etc.. Do your best to look and be awake, so we can help, and also that your teacher will not suspect. Heat can also make you feel more tired, so take off a layer of clothing if you can. You may also want to ask your teacher if you can go for a drink. If you allowed it, you can walk a little, which will make you feel more awake, take a drink and wet your face. If you really think you can not help falling asleep, try to convince a friend that you kind of nudge you every time you close your eyes.

5.  Listen to what the teacher says, and keep eye contact with him if you want. Make sure you listen, and if you have to take notes, take them. Keep your notes organized so they are easy to read when you have to review them. If you do not understand something in class sure to ask. Raise your hand and ask is better, but you can also find them after class and ask them. Probably will be glad you show interest and you'll understand better.

Juan Antonio Avila Rojas
Juan Antonio de Leon Sandoval
Oscar Ronaldo Barillas Mayen
Angel Josue Chajón Luna
Kendall Chajón Luna
Edgar Alexander Toc del Águila
Sebastián Marroquín Araúz 
4to. Bachillerato con Orientación en Computación 

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